LittleMandarin Chinese school’s Teaching methodologies aim at combining Chinese culture and language during class. We apply unique teaching methods to enhance your child’s Chinese skills and meet her/his needs at different learning stages. We will mainly employ a combination of the following three approaches:
o Your child will experience immersive classroom environment as we employ the Natural Approach (mimic the way of acquiring our first language to acquire a second language)
o Your child will learn Mandarin through songs and rhymes and role plays as well as other fun activities as we employ the Tactile-kinaesthetic Approach (involve our whole body movement instead of sitting and reading aloud all the time)
o Your child will use their learnings to real life situations as we employ the Task-based Approach (a strong communicating approach to facilitate students to complete a meaningful task while using Chinese)
Finally, we track your child’s learning progress and offer valuable tips for you on how to support her/him at home (even if you have no Chinese knowledge).